The Foundation for TJO Animals and the Thomas J. O'Connor Animal Control & Adoption Center work together every day with 1 purpose… the well-being of every animal at TJO.

This year for Giving Tuesday, we will be raising funds for a special piece of equipment for the vet clinic.

With a price tag of $25,000, we would like to introduce you to a Photobiomodulation Laser! This therapeutic laser promotes healing, helps with cell regeneration, decreases inflammation, and so much more. More importantly, it decreases recovery time and discomfort.

Hundreds of animals will benefit each year from this laser therapy. As we kick off Giving Tuesday, we are excited to announce that our amazing friends from Monarch Enterprises have started us off with a $5,000 gift towards our goal!

Please consider supporting our campaign as we raise much-needed funds for this highly important piece of equipment for our vet team.


Thank you for your support!